Charities that We Support

We are pleased to support the following charities.


Thursday 30th January 2025

Donations from 9.30am to 11.30am

Collections from 1pm to 3.30pm

at St. Michael’s Church Bassingham

A community initiative to help each other through these tough times

(A local, volunteer, not for profit food larder run in partnership

between Greens of Bassingham and the Withamside Parish.)

On the last Thursday of each month Food and Essential Goods can be donated at the Church between 9.30am & 11.30am. This can include fresh products from gardens and allotments etc. as well as store cupboard items and treats! Fresh donations can only be made on the day, but other grocery items and essentials such as nappies, cleaning products, drinks and snacks etc. can be donated at any time, either at church or dropped into Greens Stores. In addition, any monetary donations can be dropped into Greens Stores to enable us to buy fresh bread, milk and other essentials on the day.

Collections are then available from the Church, between 1pm & 3.30pm and are aimed at anyone in our parish who needs that little bit of extra help making ends meet (one box per household) all free! It’s a way of sharing, re-distributing excesses and supporting our own community.

Waste Not Want will continue on the last Thursday of each month.

Please pop the dates on your calendar and support us with donations, volunteering, spreading the word and encouraging people to come along who might need that little bit of extra help.

A warm welcome and sincere thanks awaits all!

Swaziland Schools Projects Working in Eswatini

This small UK based charity, incorporating Changing Futures charity, supports the education of children and adults in eSwatini by:

  • paying bursaries for  school fees so children can attend school. All children in high schools (age 12 upwards) pay compulsory school fees and our first priority is to raise money each year so that vulnerable children from the poorest communities may go to school;
  • providing buildings such as classrooms, toilet blocks, kitchens, teachers’ houses and water supplies;
  • providing food for lunches, resources and equipment such as books and furniture;
  • funding vocational training for young Swazis and employing them to repair school furniture;
  • funding Early Childhood Development courses for volunteer Swazis working in pre-schools.
Joy Foundation

The Joy Foundation is a local Christian charity that brings the Good News of Jesus into primary schools through both word and deed. It serves more than 20 schools through regular provision of Collective Worship, videos, lessons, clubs, intervention support, curriculum advice and governor support. In the Withamside United Parish, The Joy Foundation has been serving its schools regularly since 2011.

The Giving Tree – Christmas Sack Appeal

Withamside Parish is planning to collect gifts again this year at St Michael’s Church, Bassingham. The giving tree will be at the back of church from the beginning of Nov. Please pick a tag for the age and gender of the person you would like to give to, donate an unwrapped gift and place it under the tree. All gifts are then taken to Bridge church, Lincoln (at the beginning of Dec) for distribution to families who need a little help this Christmas

Many thanks for your support.


The Children’s Society

We fight for hope by deeply understanding the needs of young people and by supporting them through their most serious life challenges. We work with young people who have suffered years of abuse, who have run away from home or are struggling with mental health issues. We look out for young carers and those who are at risk of being groomed by gangs. We help refugees who have no one else to turn to in this country.

The Children’s Society introduced the Christingle Service and the first one was held in Lincoln Cathedral in 1968. It has been enjoyed by many thousands of children over the years and will be celebrated In schools and churches up and down the land. We are pleased to support the work of The Childrens Society in this way which makes such a difference to the lives of so many children.

To find out more about the work of the Childrens Society please go to