It is not generally understood that each Parish is financially responsible for the costs related to the running and management of all the churches in the Parish. In addition, each Parish is also expected to contribute towards the costs of the salaries of the clergy within the Diocese. This all places a tremendous financial burden on the congregations of the churches in the Parish.
We raise funds using a variety of methods, but we still need help to raise money to keep our churches well maintained and available for the whole community to use. Not everyone wishes to attend a church service for worship, but the church does provide a focal point for weddings, baptisms, funerals and large-scale events at Christmas, Easter, and Remembrance Day etc.
We also keep a number of our churches open all day and many people use this as an opportunity for quite reflection. Similarly, the churchyards provide a peaceful place to walk and contemplate. The churches in our Parish are historic buildings of great architectural significance with some dating back many centuries and as such are at the heart of each of our villages.

Could you help to keep your churches in the Withamside United Parish open for future generations to use and enjoy? These are some ways you might consider:
- Be a Planned Giver and donate a specific amount each month by setting up a Standing Order. If you would like to set up a Standing Order, please email the Treasurer on for a bank and gift aid form.
- Give one off donations. Cheques should be made payable to the Withamside Parochial Church Council, please email the treasurer as above to arrange receipt of the cheque, or contact the parish administrator on 788278. Or if you prefer to make an electronic BACS transfer, payments should be made to: Withamside PCC Lloyds Bank Sort Code 30-95-05 Account No 01780700
Perhaps you might like to consider making a Bequest in your Will to the Withamside United Parish.
Thank you for considering making a financial contribution to the Withamside United Parish. Whatever you choose to give is both hugely appreciated and gratefully received. Thank you.