Work has been completed on the East End of St Michael’s. The lime plaster has been replaced behind the dorsal curtain and following the post – builders clean the church is looking lovely.

St Mary’s hosted a very happy and successful Arts & Crafts weekend at the end of August to celebrate the talents of many people in our community. We had hundreds of visitors and were pleased to collect £420 in donations for the Withamside parish. We’re grateful to the WI who provided delicious refreshments.
There were 16 crafts represented and by popular demand there will be another celebration of our talents in 2024 when we hope to see even more on display.
Thank you to Andrew Alsop for organising the weekend and to everyone who helped to make it such a success.

May Update

27 April 2022 update

13 April 2022 update

8 April 2022 update
Dear all, path edges mowed and paths swept. Memory garden mowed, left where flowers are still in evidence.
Choir area up to alter rail cleaned and ready for carpet layer. Heating grids cleaned. Boiler entrance tops cleaned, ready for painting.
Still to clean off coal hole top and slabs from the step from the choir, down the aisle beside the heating grids.
That will leave cupboards in the entrance to clear and the vestry. Then the spring cleaning.
Cheers! Andrew and Mike.
1st April 2022 update

10th March 2022 update
Work is proceeding well inside the church, see the photograph below of the new floor for the servery area.

The building programme is well under way at St.Mary’s Church. All the trenches for the main services have been dug, completed and back filled. An archaeologist was on site during all the excavation work. Nothing of any consequence was found. The heater has been repositioned and the base of the new floor at the back of the church has been laid. We hope that the progress can be maintained so our Easter re-opening of the church becomes a possibility

The trench has been dug this week for the drains