Everyone is welcome to attend. As in past years we will be collecting tins and dried foods for the Lincoln Community Larder. It is really important that we continue to support this initiative as the last time I went one of the volunteers said that demand was outstripping the amount of food being donated. You can also donated money to the Lincoln Community Larder and they can then use this to buy food.
After several years of Covid enforced absence we are holding our Harvest Supper again this year. Sandra and Diane and the Farmhouse Kitchen have kindly said they will provide the food and the venue and we will ask for donations to reimburse them.
The Harvest Supper is on Saturday October 1st 6-00 p.m. in Sandra’s Barn, The Laurels, Beckingham Road, Stapleford, LN6 9JZ
There will be a very short service led by Jeff followed by the Harvest Supper.
It would be lovely to make this a real celebration after so many years of not being able meet for our Harvest Supper.
In order to help with the catering could you please email me on j.w.rowland@btinternet.com or phone on 01522 788652 to let me know if you and your family will be able to attend. Or contact Jane Root on her email address janechurchadmin@btinternet.com